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Preservation of the Santa Teresa Foothills

The Santa Teresa Foothills form a scenic backdrop to South San Jose neighborhoods, extending from Santa Teresa County Park on the east to the vicinity of Almaden Lake Park on the west. The common perception that the Foothills are part of a public park or open space preserve is not true! With the exception of the County Park, most of the foothills are in private ownership, much of which is leased for cattle grazing. Although many people walk, jog, and bike along the Coyote-Alamitos Trail, located along the base of the Foothills, few people realize that they are trespassing on private land! The fact that the Santa Clara Valley Water District has an easement to convey water in the canal does not mean that the canal is open to the public.

The Foothills are primarily in an unincorporated part of the County, a fact that has complicated issues. In recent years, residential development along and near the ridgetop has been approved by the County and further development is pending. In addition, the Boulder Ridge Golf Course is under construction at the west end of the Foothills.

The fact that the Foothills are located outside of the San Jose Urban Growth Boundary and the fact that much of the land is steep slopes does not preclude future development of the Foothills, as witnessed by the ongoing development.

The Santa Teresa Foothills Neighborhood Association is committed to preserving the Foothills as open space. We are working with the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority and others to achieve this goal. Your support is needed! We will keep you informed as to future meetings, public hearings, and governmental decisions on this issue.

Let the Open Space Authority know how you feel about preserving the Santa Teresa Foothills. Contact Alex Kennett of the Open Space Authority at


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